P/Arts Program Information

P/Arts stands for Philanthropic Arts and is our Foundation’s own initiative launched in 2019 to help catalyze non-profit, tax-exempt public charities, accredited schools and universities, and government or public agencies. We want to help implement or enhance educational programs utilizing the arts in daily curricula for early childhood education programs as well as K-12 students.

The P/Arts Program Was Created To Encourage Partnerships Within The Philanthropic Arts And Education Communities

Organizations applying for P/Arts funding must be accredited 501(c)(3) organizations that are using performing and/or visual arts education to help:

  • Enhance and Transform Existing Outdated Public School Curricula

  • Motivate & Engage Children and Students

  • Deepen Professional Development for Teachers, Professors, and Childcare Workers

  • Link School and Home

  • Use Evidence-Based, Arts-Based Instruction

  • Help to Lessen the Education Achievement Gap

Program Stipulations

Philanthropic Arts Program Applications must meet the following criteria:

  • Be principally located in Florida, New York, Connecticut, or Washington, D.C.

  • Have proof of local partnerships and/or program space

  • Submit our Grant Report form within one year of the date of the award letter

  • Return the signed Grant Agreement that accompanies the check and award letter

  • All requests are capped at a maximum of $10,000

Please note that it may take up to 12 weeks to receive a determination.